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Gospel Reflection – 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Matthew 22:1-14

09 October 2020

The psalm in this week’s mass is a well-known one – The Lord is My Shepherd. The response to the psalm that we make is ‘In the Lord’s own house shall I dwell for ever and ever.’ Our journey through life is to reach that house and for it to become our home.

In the gospel Jesus continues to challenge those in authority telling them through the parable of the wedding feast that if those who had been invited were not interested, then that invitation would go out to everyone and anyone.

However, in the parable where the king who had organised the feast arrived to meet those newly invited he found a man not wearing a wedding garment. The repercussions for him were serious – he was thrown out. The message that Jesus is trying to get across is that being invited into the wedding feast – the Kingdom of God – is not enough. We must agree to change our way of being to that expected of those who are chosen.

October is a month of particular devotion to Our Lady. The feast day of St. John Henry Newman is celebrated on October 9th. He was a man of great thought and prayer and he wrote this prayer asking for Mary’s help and intercession:

O Mother of Jesus, and my Mother, let me dwell with you, cling to you and love you with ever-increasing love. I promise the honour, love and trust of a child. Give me a mother's protection, for I need your watchful care. You know better than any other the thoughts and desires of the Sacred Heart. Keep constantly before my mind the same thoughts, the same desires, that my heart may be filled with zeal for the interests of the Sacred Heart of your Divine Son. Instill in me a love of all that is noble, that I may no longer be easily turned to selfishness. 

Help me, dearest Mother, to acquire the virtues that God wants of me: to forget myself always, to work solely for him, without fear of sacrifice. I shall always rely on your help to be what Jesus wants me to be. I am his; I am yours, my good Mother! Give me each day your holy and maternal blessing until my last evening on earth, when your Immaculate Heart will present me to the Heart of Jesus in heaven, there to love and bless you and your divine Son for all eternity. Amen

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