Chaplaincy Team

The Chaplaincy Team consists of students from multiple year groups who meet at least once a week. Whilst fulfilling a variety of duties, the Chaplaincy Team are ultimately responsible for promoting and sustaining the Catholic ethos of our school. Being on the Chaplaincy Team enables pupils to celebrate and share their faith within school and beyond.
Their previous contributions to the Catholic life and mission of our school include: leading whole-school liturgies, praying together with pupils from our local primary schools, volunteer work at St Chad’s Sanctuary, performing carols at a local residential home and supporting in the celebration of holy Mass. They have also assisted in the creation of a detailed action plan for the Cafod Live Simply Award. They aspire to lead and encourage others in the transformation of our school. Together, they believe that we can change the school into a beacon of solidarity, sustainability and modest living.

“Come, follow me,” Jesus said to them, “And I will make you fishers of men!”

(Matthew 4:19-20)

Current members on our Chaplaincy Team are:

Amy-Leigh Parkes, Y7

Andrea Tanyanyiwa, Y7

Ollie Lawlor, Y7

Shamiso Mugwira, Y7

Nieshawn De Loyola, Y7

Eliza Jones, Y7

James Healy, Y7

Harry Jarvie, Y7

Amira Guedda, Y7

Jasper Kirk, Y7

Temmy Lawal, Y7

Liam Cunniffe, Y7

Nyah Brain, Y8

Daniel O’ Sullivan, Y8

Caitlin Walter, Y8

Dation Wrenn, Y8

Sophia Hughes, Y8

Steve Pearsall, Y8

Chloe Jane-McBride, Y8

Luke Harris, Y8

Kerry Mayall, Y9

Tyler Wrenn, Y9

Sophie Helmn, Y9

James Long, Y9

Ruby Hughes, Y10

Tayler James Roe, Y10

Amy Gilhooly, Y10

Denislava Georgieva , Y10

Kayleigh Humphries, Y11

Julia Lepczak, Y11




If you would like to be considered for a future position on the school’s Chaplaincy Team, please complete the below application form: 

Chaplaincy Team Application Form

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