Business Studies

Business & Enterprise 

  • Miss L Pears - Head of Business
  • Miss E Rouse - Teacher of Business

As a department, our purpose is to develop enterprising individuals. Who have an ability to use both business knowledge and technical skills such as planning, researching and pitching to be successful when entering the world of business.  

In order for our students to be successful in business, they need to be able to confidently present both innovations and opinions as well as critique both their own and others views and perceptions. As well as the financial connection between profit and survival. Our Curriculum allows our students to do just that! 

Students join the BTEC Tech Award Level 2 in Enterprise as an option subject in year 10. Beginning with component one, learning the foundations of how businesses begin, catering for different stakeholders, how a business sets targets through aims and objectives, how a business will use market research to attract and sustain customers, how businesses follow both law and legislation and how social media can be advantageous to an organisation.  

Once the foundations have been established in component one, the students will undertake an external examination assessing their knowledge of both finance and promotion. Finance is a fundamental functional area for a business, students learn how finance is needed to begin trading and how finance needs to be closely monitored to continue trading.  

Using business foundations from component one and financial skills from component two, students finish the course completing component three. Component three allows the opportunity for students to both plan and deliver a business pitch (Just like Dragon’s Den!). This equips the students with the confidence to apply business knowledge such as budgeting, trading, human relations and contingency plans to get a taste of what it is like to trade in business.  


AQA GCSE Business



As a department, our purpose is to develop enterprising individuals. Who have an ability to use both business knowledge and make sound judgments on business concepts to be successful when entering the world of business. Students are entering an increasingly globalised world and the GCSE Business course supports students to both understand their role as global citizens and prepares them to be the business leaders of the future. 

In year 10. Beginning with unit 1, students begin with learning the foundations of how businesses begin, catering for different stakeholders, the objectives of an entrepreneur, how a business will use market research to attract and sustain customers, how businesses follow both law and legislation and the ever-changing landscape of the business environment due to technological changes.

Once the foundations have been established students will study marketing, business operations and human resources to develop an understanding of the functional areas within a business. The marketing unit will offer the opportunity on to develop and understanding of the importance of the marketing mix, market research and segmenting customers to attract customers in the most efficient way possible to the business. Business operations will allow for students to understand how a business produces products with a focus on quality control and procurement and human resources gathers an understanding of human resources and how people within an organisation influence business activity.

Year 11 will provide students the opportunity to continue studying human resources moving into influences on business to discuss ethical, environmental and economic factors that impact business activity and the importance of business compliance to these factors. Students will then study the final topic of finance and the how finance has a role to play within each functional area and the activities business carry out.

Summary of units studied:


Year of Study

1: Business in the real world


5: Marketing


3: Business Operations


4: Human Resources


4: Human Resources (Continued)


2: Influences on Business


6: Finance



Where will this take me?

Studying GCSE Business opens a range of exciting pathways to post 16 study and roles in a wide range of sectors such as human resources, manufacturing and finance. Careers such as chartered accountants, project management, marketing management and production design are typical careers paths having completed GCSE Business.

Websites: AQA GCSE Business: Past papers can be accessed using the link below:

BTEC Level 2 Tech Award



This qualification is for learners provides learners with an opportunity to acquire sector-specific applied knowledge and practices through vocational contexts by studying enterprises, entrepreneurs, customers, competitors, the external environment, business planning and presenting, marketing and finance as part of their Key Stage 4 learning. The qualification enables learners to develop their transferable skills, such as researching, planning, making decisions and judgements, and financial literacy using realistic vocational contexts, and personal skills, such as creativity and innovation, time management, reviewing, communication and planning through a practical and skills-based approach to learning and assessment. The qualification recognises the value of learning skills, knowledge and vocational attributes to complement GCSEs. The qualification will broaden learners’ experience and understanding of the varied progression options available to them.

Component 1: Exploring Enterprises – Coursework – 30% February till May in Year 1

Learners will explore different enterprises to develop their knowledge and understanding of the characteristics of enterprises and the skills needed by entrepreneurs to be successful. Learners will explore how enterprises use market research to find out about their customer needs and competitor behaviour and how internal and external factors may affect enterprises.

Component 2: Exploring Enterprises – Coursework – 30% October till December in Year 2

In this component, learners will use the knowledge gained from Component 1 and undertake some further research to generate two ideas before choosing one realistic idea to plan for a micro-enterprise. There are specific requirements that learners need to consider when planning their idea. This will be a micro-enterprise that you could start at the age of 14–16 years, i.e. they are not able to legally rent premises, employ anybody or get a loan from a lender. They will have the opportunity to plan how best to set up the chosen enterprise. They will also need to think about the costs they may incur and the financial documents that would be required by potential investors.

Component 3: Exploring Enterprises – Coursework – 40% January till May in Year 2

In this component Learners will consider how small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) use marketing and finance. Learners will look at the different elements of the marketing mix in order to be able to identify target markets, make marketing decisions and put forward marketing suggestions for enterprises to use to increase their success in the future. Learners will analyse financial information in context, complete and use financial documents and financial statements. Learners will consider different payment methods. You will investigate profitability and liquidity and its effects on a given enterprise using ratios (the formulae will be provided). Learners will consider the importance of financial planning and forecasting for an enterprise, make financial decisions and recommend suggestions for improvements.

Where will this take me?

From studying this qualification as part of  your Key Stage 4 learning, Enterprise will help learners to make more informed choices for further learning, either generally or in this sector. The choices that learners can make post-16 will depend on their overall level of attainment and their performance in the qualification. Learners who generally achieve at Level 2 across their Key Stage 4 learning might consider progression to: ● A Levels as preparation for entry to higher education in a range of subjects ● study of a vocational qualification at Level 3, such as a BTEC National in business, which prepares learners to enter employment or apprenticeships, or to move on to higher education by studying a degree in the business sector. Learners who generally achieve at Level 1 across their Key Stage 4 learning might consider progression to: ● Study at Level 2 post-16 in a range of technical routes designed to lead to work, employment, apprenticeships or further study at Level 3. Learners who perform well in this qualification compared to their overall performance, should strongly consider this progression route as it can lead to employment in the enterprise sector.


BTEC Level 3 National in Business (Extended Certificate)


Unit 1: Exploring Businesses – Year 1

In this introductory unit, learners study the purposes of different businesses, their structure, the effect of the external environment, and how they need to be dynamic and innovative to survive. In this unit, learners will gain an overview of the key ingredients for business success, how businesses are organised, how they communicate, the characteristics of the environment in which they operate, and how this shapes them and their activities. You will also look at the importance of innovation and enterprise to the success and survival of businesses, with the associated risks and benefits.

Unit 2: Developing a marketing campaign – Externally Assessed in Year 1

Learners will gain skills relating to, and an understanding of, how a marketing campaign is developed. Learners will gain an understanding of how a marketing campaign is developed. Learners will explore different stages of the process that a business goes through when developing its campaign and develop your own campaign for a given product/service. Learners will examine the marketing aims and objectives for existing products/services and understand the importance of relevant, valid and appropriate research in relation to customers’ needs and wants. You will use given market research data and other information to make recommendations about the type of marketing campaign that a business should undertake.

Unit 3: Personal and Business Finance– Externally Assessed in Year 2

Learners study the purpose and importance of personal and business finance. They will develop the skills and knowledge needed to understand, analyse and prepare financial information. his unit includes aspects of both personal and business finance. Personal finance involves the understanding of why money is important and how managing your money can help prevent future financial difficulties. It is vital learners understand the financial decisions you will need to take throughout your life and how risk can affect their choices. This unit will also give Learners an insight into where you can get financial advice and support. This unit will provide a foundation for a number of other finance and business units and will help learners to analyse profitability, liquidity and business efficiency. It will give learners the knowledge and understanding to manage your personal finances and will give learners a background to business finance and accounting as they progress to employment or further training.

Unit 4: Investigating Customer Service– Externally Assessed in Year 2

Learners will study how excellent customer service contributes to business success. The unit gives learners the opportunity to develop their customer service skills. In this unit, learners will learn that attracting new customers costs a business more than keeping existing customers, so it is important to keep existing customers happy. They can do this by building relationships with internal and external customers and giving them excellent service that exceeds their needs and expectations. When working in a customer service role learners need to understand the procedures to follow when dealing with customer requests and complaints. This unit will help learners develop communication and interpersonal skills when dealing with customers, and to understand the importance of having good product or service knowledge. Learners will explore how a business builds effective relationships with customers through identifying and confirming the customer’s needs. Learners will examine how businesses monitor and evaluate their level of customer service provision through obtaining feedback and see how this helps inform improvements to the level of service provided.

Where will this take me?

The qualification carries UCAS points and is recognised by higher education providers as contributing to meeting admission requirements for many courses if taken alongside other qualifications as part of a two year programme of learning. It will support entry to many higher education courses, depending on the other qualifications learners have taken. Learners should always check the entry requirements for degree programmes at specific higher education providers. The qualification can also support progression to employment directly, or via an Apprenticeship.


Websites for Business & Enterprise 




Curriculum SummaryKS4Post 16

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