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Message from the Headteacher

29 April 2022

Dear Parents/Carers

A very warm welcome back to all our pupils and parents for the start of the summer term here at St Edmund Campion Catholic School. I hope you all managed to have an enjoyable and holy Easter break.

We welcome to our school Miss Peacock who is our new History and Government and Politics teacher and to Mrs Smith and Mr Corfield who will be working with us in Science and History. Welcome also to Mr Sorroll who is our new Lay Chaplain and I know he is very much looking forward to working with our young people as he develops our chaplaincy team in school.

The summer term promises to be a very busy one with our main priority being supporting our year 11 and 13 students through their exam season this summer. It is the first full exam season we have held since the summer of 2019. There is a lot of support in place for pupils to help prepare and achieve their very best and we wish them all luck with their revision. More information will be provided to parents and students over the coming days and weeks.

There is a lot to look forward to this term, particularly after half term with rewards trips, sports days, year 6 induction days etc and I’m sure we will be very busy as usual.

Please can I ask all parents and carers to have conversations with their children about proper use of mobile phones. We have a strict policy in schools where mobile phones are not allowed out at all during the day and this is well adhered to by the vast majority of pupils. It is important that pupils are sensible with their devices and the recording or taking of pictures on site is strictly forbidden. With the emergence of Tik Tok and other such applications some pupils are failing to understand some of the boundaries around this and it is important that you as parents have conversations on this to avoid any misunderstandings. As always, I thank you for your support on such matters.

I will leave you with this short prayer from St Francis of Assisi

Dear Lord

Help me to live this day, Quietly, Easily, To lean on thy great strength. Trustfully, restfully, To await the unfolding of Thy will. Patiently, joyously, To face tomorrow Confidently, courageously


Kind Regards

Mr A. Grant

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