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Message from the Headteacher

18 November 2022

Dear Parents/Carers

Firstly, a huge thank you to all the year 7 parents who came to the parents’ evening on Wednesday. It was great to see so many of you there and thank you for all the lovely comments. It’s wonderful to see your children so well settled into school and thank you for all the support you provide. We have had a book fair in school this week in order to promote our love of reading and it was fantastic to see so many parents and pupils taking up the opportunity to purchase a book for themselves or as a gift for someone.

Congratulations to the year 11 football team who had a resounding 9-0 victory this week against Highclare School. A great performance and well done!

We wish year 11 all the very best over the next couple of weeks as they sit their mock examinations in school. Please do encourage them to revise and prepare thoroughly as these results are important and will give themselves and their teachers a good indication as to how well they are performing. We have invested in GCSEPod which is a highly rated revision tool for pupils. They have all been shown how to access this so please do encourage them in using this. Note GCSEPod is available for all pupils and I would recommend that younger students do start to familiarise themselves with what is on there.

A reminder that Monday is an INSET day in school so no pupils are expected in school except for year 11 who will be sitting their English mock exam in the morning.

With the World Cup starting this weekend in Qatar I know that many of us will be cheering on England. With our very diverse community I also know that there will be many of you cheering on many other teams. Cultural day in July very much showed just what a fabulously diverse community we are! So, I will leave you this week with this prayer of inclusivity:










Kind Regards                                                      Captureu]

Mr A. Grant

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