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Message from the Headteacher

02 December 2022

Dear Parents/Carers

A very happy feast day to you all and to everyone who is part of our St Edmund Campion Catholic community. It is a very special day for us as a school as we celebrate our patron St Edmund Campion and reflect on his life. We held two Masses today to celebrate; one for key stage 3 and one for key stages 4 and 5. It was actually the first time since I became headteacher that we have been able to celebrate Campion day together as a school due to the Covid situation these last few years. It has been a very special day.

Congratulations to year 11 on completing their mock exams this week. Their conduct has been excellent throughout and I wish them all the best with their results. Remember this is just a mock so learn from any mistakes.

Next Friday 9th December is Christmas jumper day and we look forward to the children being able to wear something Christmassy on this day. The canteen will also be serving their Christmas lunch on this day too.

I will leave you with the prayer of our patron St Edmund Campion:


Dear Lord

Wherever I may travel

May I always profess my faith in You, God

To Whom I owe all my obedience.

Grant that I may always have the courage:

To preach the Gospel,

To speak out against injustice.

And to face all challenges without fear.

For by your will,

I will go where I am sent

To carry any cross you lay upon me

And never to despair.

For the price is paid and the work is begun:

It is of God; It cannot be overcome.

So our faith is planted:

So will our faith be maintained.

St Edmund Campion- Pray for Us

Kind Regards

Mr A. Grant

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